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韦来生,男,1944年2月出生于江苏江都。教授,博士生导师。1973-1995年在中国科学技术大学数学系,1995年至今在中国科技大学统计与金融系从事教学科研工作。2004年获安徽省优秀教师称号。美国Mathematical Reviews 评论员。主要研究方向: Bayes分析和经验Bayes 方法、线性模型参数估计和概率密度估计等。


1992年曾访问德国Dortmund大学统计系6个月,2000年曾访问加拿大Waterloo大学统计与精算科学系3个月,并顺访了加拿大Guelph大学数学与统计系、美国新泽西州立大学统计系和纽约哥伦比亚大学统计系。曾主持和参加国家自然科学基金、高等学校博士点基金和中科院特持费基金等多项科研工作,研究工作曾获中国科技大学科研成果一等奖和安徽省科技进步四等奖等。研究工作在《中国科学》、《数学学报》、《数学年刊》、《Ann.Inst.Statist.Math.》 、《Statisitca Sinica》、《Statistics Probability Letters》、《J. of Stat. Plann. & Inference》等国内外核心期刊上发表论文60篇。


[1] Wei Laisheng,Fang Zhaoban and Li Jinping,The asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimation about a class of Uniform distrbution (with Fang and Li),Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition,3(1983),150-152.

[2] 韦来生,均匀分布簇 U(0,θ) 参数的经验 Bayes 估计的收敛速度,应用数学学报,6(1983),485-493.

[3] 韦来生,一类 Gamma 分布位置参数的经验 Bayes 估计的收敛速,中国科学技术大学学报,13(1983),143-152.

[4] 方兆本,李金平,张念范,韦来生,一类均匀分布参数的经验 Bayes 估计的收敛速度,应用数学学报,6(1983),476-484.

[5] Wei Laisheng,On the Lp convergence rates of kernal estimate of nonparametric regression function,Journal of China University of Science & Technology,14(1984),339-346.

[6] 韦来生,单边截断型分布簇位置参数的经验 Bayes 估计的收敛速度,数学年刊,6:A (1985),193-202.

[7] Wei Laisheng,The convergence rates of asymptotically Bayes discrimination, Acta Mathematica Scientia,5(1985),68-78.

[8] 韦来生,连续形多参数指数簇参数的渐进最优的经验 Bayes 估计,应用概率统计,1 (1985),127-133.

[9] Wei Laisheng and Su Chun,On the pointwise Lp convergence rates of nearest neighbor estimate of nonparametric regression function,Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition,6(1986),117-124.

[10] 韦来生,连续形多参数指数簇参数的经验 Bayes 估计的收敛速度,数学学报,30(1987),272-279.

[11] Wei Laisheng Asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimation for parameters of two- sided truncation distribution families,Chin. Ann. of Math.,10:B(1),1989,94-104.

[12] Wei Laisheng,The convergence rates of empirical Bayes estimation for parameters of two-sided truncation distribution families,Acta Mathematica Scientia,9(1989),403-413.

[13] Wei Laisheng,An empirical Bayes two-sided test problem for continuous one-parameter exponential families,Systems Science and Mathematical Science,2(1989),369-384.

[14] Wei Laisheng,Empirical Bayes test of regression coefficient in a multiple linear regression model,Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,6(1990),251-262.

[15] 韦来生,一类离散型单参数指数簇参数的双侧的经验 Bayes 检验问题. 应用概率统计,7(1991),299-310.

[16] Singh,R.s. and Wei Laisheng,Empirical Bayes with rates and best rates of convergence in u(x)c(θ)exp{-x/θ}-family: Estimation Case,Ann. Inst. Statist. Math.,44(1992),435-449.

[17] 韦来生,二项分布参数的经验Bayes检验问题,数学杂志,13(1993),21-28.

[18] Zhanng Shunpu and Wei Laisheng,Asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimation in multiple linear regression model,Appl. Math,A Journal of Chinese Universitys,9:B(1994),245-258.

[19] Wei Laisheng and Zhanng Shunpu,The converrgence rates of empirical Bayes estimation in multiple linear regression model,Ann. Inst. Statist. Math.,47(1995),81-97.

[20] Wei Laisheng and Gotz trenkler,Mean square error matrix superiority of empirical Bayes estimators under misspecification,Test,4(1995),187-205.

[21] Yang Yaning and Wei Laisheng,Convergence rtaes of asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimation for parameters of multi-parameter discrete exponential family,Chinese J. Appl. Prob. and Statist.,11(1995),92-102.

[22] Yang Yaning and Wei Laisheng,Asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimation for the parameters of multi-parameter discrete exponential family,Acta Mathematica Scientia,16 (1996),15-22.

[23] Gotz Trenkler and Wei Laisheng,The Bayes estimators in a misspecified linear regression model,Test,5(1996),113-123.

[24] 韦来生,PC 准则下错误指定模型中回归系数有约束 LS 估计的优良性,中国科学技术大学学报,26(1996),277-283.

[25] Wei Laisheng,Empirical Bayes estimation for estimable function of regression coefficient in a multiple linear regression model,Acta Mathematica Scientia,16 Supp. (1996),22-33.

[26] 韦来生,方差分析模型中参数的经验 Bayes 估计及其优良性问题,高校应用数学学报, 12: A (1997),163-174.

[27] 韦来生,杨亚宁,PC 准则下回归系数的一类线性估计的优良性,应用概率统计,Vol.13 (1997),225-234.

[28] Tamaschke,S.,G. Trenkler and L.S. Wei,Mean square error matrix properties of Bayes estimation for incorrect prior information under misspecification,Journal of the Italian Statistical Society,Vol.6(1997),No.3,273-284.

[29] Wei Laisheng,Convergence rates of empirical Bayesian estimation in a class of linear models,Statistica Sinica,8(1998),589-605.

[30] Wei Laisheng,Asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes estimation in one-way ANOVA model,Systems Science and Mathematical Science,12(1999),No.1,13-22.

[31] Zhang Shunpu and Wei Laisheng,A note about convergence rates for empirical Bayes estimation of parameters in multi-parameter exponential families,Commum.Statist.- Theory Meth.,28(6),1999,1273-1291.

[32] 韦来生,林明,误指定模型中回归系数混合估计的小样本性质,中国科学技术大学学报,29(1999),253-259.

[33] 韦来生,一类线性模型中参数的经验 Bayes 检验问题,数学年刊,20A:5 (1999),617-628. Wei Laisheng,Empirical Bayes test problems for parameters in a class of linear models, Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics,20(4),1999,501-514.

[34] 韦来生,错误先验假定下回归系数 Bayes 估计的小样本性质,应用概率统计,16 (2000),71-80.

[35] 黄元亮,陈桂景,韦来生,广义G-M 模型参数估计的相对效率,数学研究与评论,第20 期(2000),第1期,103-108

[36] 韦来生,刻度指数族参数的经验BAYES检验问题:NA样本情形,应用数学学报,23(2000),403-412.

[37] Singh,R.S and Wei Laisheng,Nonparametrioc empirical Bayes procedure,asymptotic optimality and rates of convergence for two-tail tests in exponential family,Nonparametric Statistics,vol.12 (2000),475-501.

[38] 缪柏奇,戴小莉,韦来生等,课堂教学评估问卷的统计分析,中国高等教育评估,2000.2,31-35.

[39] 韦来生,NA 样本情形概率密度函数核估计的相合性,系统科学与数学,21(2001),79-87.

[40] 王立春,韦来生,刻度指数族参数的渐近最优的经验 Bayes 估计,中国科学技术大学学报,32(1),2002. 62-69.

[41] Lin Ming and Wei Laisheng,The small sample properties of the principal components estimator for regression coefficients. Commum. Statist. Theory and Meth.,31(2), 2002,271-283.

[42] 林明,韦来生,回归系数 Stein 压缩估计的小样本性质,应用数学学报,25(3),2002,497-504.

[43] 王立春,韦来生,刻度指数族参数的经验 Bayes 估计的收敛速度. 数学年刊,23A: 5 (2002),555-564.

[44] Wei Laisheng and Chen Jiahua,Empirical Bayes estimation and its superiority for two-way classification model. Statistics and Probability Letters,63,2003,165-175.

[45] 韦来生,袁家成,指数分布定数截尾情形失效率函数的经验Bayes检验问题. 应用概率统计,19(2) 2003,130-138.

[46] 韦来生,王立春,随机效应模型中方差分量的经验Bayes检验问题. 高校应用数学学报,19 (2004),97--108.

[47] 陈玲,韦来生,连续型单参指数族参数的经验Bayes检验问题,应用数学,17(2),2004,263-270.

[48] 魏莉,韦来生,刻度指数族参数的经验Bayes检验问题,34(1),2004,1-10.

[49] Wei Laisheng and Ding Xiao,On Empirical Bayes Estimation of Variance Components in Random Effects Model. JSPI,123(2004),374-384.

[50] 韦来生,王立春,随机效应模型中方差分量渐近最优的经验Bayes计,数学研究与评论,2004,24(4).

[51] Zhang Weiping ,Wei Laisheng,Yang Yanning,The Superiority of Empirical Bayes Estimator of Parameters in Linear Model,Statistics and Probability Letter,72 (2005),43-50.

[52] Wei Laisheng and Zhang Weiping,Empirical Bayes Test Problems for Variance Components in Random Effects Model. Acta Mathematica Scientia,25B (2005): 274-282.

[53] 张伟平,韦来生,单向分类随机效应模型中方差分量的渐近最优经验Bayes估计,系统科学与数学,25 (2005),106-117.

[54] Zhang Weiping ,Wei Laisheng,On Bayes Linear Unbiased Estimation of Estimable Functions for the Singular Linear Model,Since in China,2005,48 (7),898-903.

[55] 丁晓,韦来生,双指数分布位置参数经验Bayes估计问题. 数学杂志,25 (4),2005,413-420.

[56] Wei Laisheng and Wang Lichun ,Empirical Bayes estimation of variance componentsin two-way classification random effects model,中国科学院研究生院学报,2005,22(5), 545-553.

[57] 陈玲,韦来生,连续型单参数指数族参数的经验Bayesg估计问题:NA 样本情形,数学研究,2006,39(1),44-50.

[58] 宋慧明,韦来生,线性模型中回归系数混合估计的相对效率,中国科学技术大学学报,2006,36(9),932-935.

[59] Wang Lichun,Wei Laisheng,Asymptotically optimal empirical Bayes decision,应用数学,2006,19(2),356-362.

 [60] 洪 坚,韦来生,指数分布定数截尾样本下经验Bayes双侧检验问题,中国科学技术大学学报,2006,36(12).




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